Thanksgiving & I-messages (Nov. 16, 2023 post)

 Dear CCP Family,

THANKSGIVING is coming and it is my personal favorite holiday!  I love preparing dinner for my family and having them around my table. I know it will feel different this year, but I still have so many things to be thankful for. We only have two days of preschool next week - Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 20 & 21. 

GRATITUDE - As we have prepared for Thanksgiving at preschool, we have have talked turkeys and food, but we have also focused on gratitude.  Gratitude is a mindset and value.  To promote the attitude of gratitude in your home, encouragement is key!  Focus on the positives.  Notice & encourage your child's efforts as he or she practices the pro-social skills of kindness, caring and helpfulness.  

In our preschool family, we are trying to be aware of being helpful to our friends and teachers.  As you plan for Thanksgiving, find little jobs that involve your preschooler and allow them to help with preparations.  They can put the napkins on the table, make place-cards, share a toy, put fruits or vegetables in a basket, clean up toys, count out the forks, etc.  Allowing little ones to help makes them feel important and develops the pro-social skills we all want.  Notice and encourage their acts of kindness and helpfulness.

PRESCHOOL CHRISTMAS CONCERT - Please reserve Thurs, Dec. 14 at 9:30 for our annual CCP Christmas Concert in the Sanctuary. Each class will sing a song or two and we will tell the Christmas story. It is our gift to you! MW(F) classes, please come too!! Take your child to their classroom at 9:00 and find a seat in the sanctuary. We will begin at 9:30. Please keep in mind that you may need to park in the municipal lots around Southern Village since the whole school will be assembled.

CHANGE OF CLOTHES - Please be sure you have changed out your child's extra clothing to something that is appropriate for the colder weather.  Also please make sure all removable clothing is labeled with your child's name. The teachers sincerely appreciate that!

YOU - I want to take a moment to tell you how grateful I am for YOU!  Each child, family, and safekeeper in the CCP Family is important and precious.  I LOVE being a partner in your child's education.  Thank you for choosing CCP and for trusting us to play and learn with your little ones.  

A CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE MOMENT: I-MESSAGES - Children will disobey you. It is part of their developmental journey to find and test limits. I-messages can help when frustration sets in. I-messages are skills that originate from owning one’s feelings and claiming one’s power. If you believe children make you angry, you will be unsuccessful. Own your feelings and express them directly with an i-message. Here’s an example: “When your toys are left on the floor, I feel frustrated because I might trip and hurt myself. Pick up your toys and put them on the shelf.” If your child hits you to obtain your attention, say “Ouch! I don’t like when you hit me. If you want my attention, say, ‘Mom, I have something to tell you’ or put your hand gently on my arm. That’s a signal that you need me.” I-messages can help you set boundaries for your child in a calm, yet assertive way. Then, just as importantly, follow boundary-setting with what you want your child TO DO. (paraphrased from Conscious Discipline, p.118-120)

Over the Thanksgiving break we will be apart for a while - preschool is closed Nov. 22-24. As you celebrate with family & friends, I wish you safe travels, good health, and much patience, love, and peace.  

Happy Thanksgiving and I wish you well,




A note about peace and the Conscious Discipline DNA method - Nov. 9, 2023

Dear CCP Families,

We work towards peace everyday at preschool. Our children learn to talk through conflicts and work out solutions. This is one of the most important things we do! "If we are going to have real peace, and win the war against violence, we must start with children. By settling disputes with their peers, children gain an understanding of how to respect the needs of others while meeting their own needs. They learn that there is often more than one 'right' side to a dispute, that feelings are important, and that there are many possible 'win-win' solutions." ~ Betsy Evans

Remember tomorrow, Nov. 10 is Veteran’s Day and CCP is closed.

This coming Monday, Nov. 13 the CCP Advisory Committee will meet at 9:15am in Ascension Hall (right after drop-off). PAC members, please try to be present, as we will vote on next year’s budget. Please make sure you have read over the proposal and have all your questions answered.

On Monday and Tuesday, 11/13 & 11/14 we will have SPIRIT DAYS! Hooray for CCP! Please wear your CCP apparel or your class color. Green Frogs (2’s), Red Ladybugs (3’s), Blue Whales (m-th 4’s), Yellow Ducks (m-f 4’s). We are so happy you are a part of our preschool family!!

Please mark your calendar…We will have our Preschool Christmas Concert on the last day of preschool before Christmas. It will be on Thursday, December 14 at 9:30am in the Sanctuary. We will sing a few songs and tell the Christmas story. MW(F) classes, please do plan to be here, too! We will have our program at 9:30 and then everyone will go home with their families after the program. I will provide more details as we get closer, but for now, please mark your calendar for this special day.

A note from Debbie - Dear CCP Family, I am grateful for your support after the loss of my beloved Dad. Your prayers, cards, and kind words will long be remembered. I feel fortunate to be a part of CCP, where there is so much caring and love. My dad, Ed, was an extraordinary man and I know he is at rest with God. Thank you for helping me to carry on during this difficult time. ~Sincerely, Debbie

Safekeepers - We will have an abbreviated staff meeting on Tuesday, 11/14 at 12:30. We will finalize our Christmas Concert plan. Our next regular staff meeting is Dec. 5, when we will go over Sessions 2 & 3 of Handling Upset.

Parents, below is a process that you may find helpful. We use this at preschool. Read it over several times and then practice…

A CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE MOMENT on OFFERING EMPATHY:   To offer children empathy, we must be willing to let them experience distress. (p. 236 Conscious Discipline) Dr. Bailey uses her D.N.A. method - Describe.  (Pause)  Name.  Acknowledge to offer empathy to a child in distress. Here's how it looks...

Imagine your child very upset, maybe even screaming and kicking!  First you breathe composing yourself.  Then you DNA - describe, (pause), name, acknowledge like this:

D. DESCRIBEActive calming, noticing:  "Your face is going like this.  Your feet are going like this." (demonstrate) Child will most likely look your way.  As soon as eye contact happens....

"Hit the pause button" here and download your calm to the child by softening your face and taking a deep breath.

N. NAMEOffer empathy:  "You seem _______. (angry, sad, scared) " Take your best guess & then quickly move to....

A. ACKNOWLEDGEProblem solving:  "You wanted ______."  or  "You were hoping ______."

Remember, if we can name the feeling the child is communicating with positive intent, then we validate the child's experience and move the regulation process forward.  "You wanted ____" and "You were hoping_____" help us acknowledge the child's most heartfelt wishes and facilitate problem solving.  

It is important that the pause comes after describing.  Then you move quickly from naming to acknowledging. In this way you move the child from the survival state, up through the emotional state, then quickly into the executive state where he or she can problem-solve.  

     D. N. A. takes practice!  Be gentle on yourself as a parent and know that there may be an oops along the way.  Keep practicing and it will become easier! If you'd like more information from Dr. Bailey, go to or ask me.  The teachers and I are still learning and we practice Conscious Discipline every day!  We are so glad to have these strategies to offer the gift of self-regulation to our students.   

I am wishing you well,


CCP Welcome November! Includes difference between discipline and punishment (Nov 2, 2023)

Dear CCP Families,

Happy November! Well some of the kids loved parading around in their Halloween costumes. ;-) Thank you for your support with that. Sorry it had to be indoors this year even for the 4’s. We just didn’t want it to pour rain and ruin the costumes before Halloween night!

THANK YOU kindly for your prayers, cards, love, and support after my father’s passing. He was an extraordinary man and the best Daddy a girl could ever have! I miss him so much, but I know with certainty that he is with God. Our preschool family, the teachers, and the church family have been such a blessing to me at this difficult time. Thank you.

TUITION - Ms. Melissa was out sick this week, so tuition checks will be deposited next week. Please remember November tuition was due on Nov. 1 and will be considered late at 9:00am on Monday , Nov. 6.

SCHOOL SPIRIT - On Monday & Tuesday, Nov. 13 & 14, we will celebrate “SCHOOL SPIRIT DAYS” at Christ Church Preschool! You can wear your CCP shirts or wear your class color - YELLOW Ducks, BLUE Whales, RED Ladybugs, GREEN Frogs. WE LOVE CCP!! (A special thanks to Carolyn Ziemer for organizing our shirt sales this year!!) We will have another spirit day in the spring, too. (Of course, you can wear your CCP apparel anytime!)

SCHOOL CLOSED - Mark your calendar - The preschool and church office are closed on Friday, Nov. 10 in honor of our Veterans.

“MUSIC NOTES” FROM MS. VICKI - This month we are busy practicing our songs for our Christmas program (Dec. 14 at 9:30a). The 4's were introduced to hand bells so they can play a special song for our program.

This month is also a time of Thanksgiving and Fall fun! In the 3's class we played different instruments that might have been on Old MacDonald's farm (cymbals, sandblocks, tambourines, triangles and bells) The 2's played shakers to the tune of "Where is Thumbkin" We hid our shakers behind our back and then shook them on different parts of our body .We moved to the "Turkey Hop" and then sang "We Give Thanks''. We are so thankful for our family, friends and everyone that God has placed in our life!

CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE TIP #1 - COMPOSURE - Let’s remember that, as adults, it is our job to be sure we are calm and composed before we approach our child to discipline (teach) them. The best way to do this is to take 3 deep belly breaths (we tend to hold our breath when we are stressed) and affirm to yourself, “I am breathing. I am safe. I can handle this.” Then think, “What do I want my child TO DO?’ Then calmly tell your child, in a positive and assertive voice, what you want them to do. This method will avoid all the negatives, like “don’t” & “stop,” and you will find your child is often more cooperative.

CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE TIP #2 -  Becky Bailey tells us, "Discipline and punishment are two different things.  Discipline, based in love, is consistent and focuses on cooperation.  Discipline sets expectations and helps find solutions to problems.  Punishment is based on fear and focuses on intimidation, threats or bribes."  To learn more, you may visit Dr. Bailey has a book, written especially for parents, that you can order called, “Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline.”

I wish you well,


CCP - Oct. 19, 2023 Noticing vs. Judging

Dear CCP Families,

Oh, how I wish you could peek into the classrooms during the day! The children are engaged in so many forms of play (and learning so many things!) Be sure to click into the website and view the pictures from your class. I am continually grateful for our creative, energetic, and loving teachers who plan all these exciting activities for your little ones.

FIRE TRUCK - The Chapel Hill Fire Dept will bring their truck for a visit on Wednesday, Oct. 25! ( If you are in a TTH class, please feel free to join us at 9:30 in Ascension Hall.) Usually the fire fighters show us how they look & sound when wearing all their gear. Then they take us, class by class, to look at the truck!

FAMILY PHOTOS - Please remember you have an opportunity for a family portrait this Saturday, Oct. 21. click here to sign up for a convenient time. There is no sitting fee and the pictures will be taken outdoors. I will soon send you a link to view the individual pictures taken yesterday and today. You will have the opportunity to purchase them if you’d like.

PAC, we have a meeting in Ascension Hall at 9:15am on Monday, Oct. 23. NOTE TIME CHANGE. Your presence is important since we will be presenting the proposed budget for 2024-25.

TEACHERS, we have a staff meeting Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 12:30. We will have a brief meeting and then prepare our costumes. (all supplies will be provided)

Looking ahead….CHRIST CHURCH TRUNK OR TREAT will take place at the church office parking lot on Sunday, Oct 29 beginning at 4:00. Bring your little ones by to enjoy a treat!

Please note that I usually include some information about CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE in my weekly Thursday evening blog post. We are working to build positive relationships and assertive voices in a confident, caring community of learners that we call the school family. Please take time to read the Conscious Discipline moment each week. It will give you insight to some of the things we are teaching here at CCP. And they are also skills/techniques you can use at home!

CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE MOMENT - Let's look at the difference between noticing and judging.  "Noticing continually activates children's prefrontal lobes and strengthens their executive skills of sustained attention, empathy, and problem-solving.  However, it requires adults to consciously change our habits and rewire our brains to notice instead of judge." (Conscious Discipline, p. 128)

       Judging actions as satisfactory creates children who are always looking for approval from the outside.  Noticing creates self-awareness and healthy attention, an important executive skill.  Noticing is descriptive and directs and sustains the child's attention like shining a flashlight on something.  Adults essentially "hold their flashlights" on the desired goals until children can hold and aim them on their own.  The difference is subtle at first.  However words are powerful and "noticing language" is more specific and gives the child more information to help to focus the child's attention on the positive.  Especially today, when the media tends to focus its attention on violence, aggression, sex, and appearances, our noticing supports children's attention by helping them aim their flashlights on the desired positive goals.

       Here are some examples....Instead of saying, "Miley, I like the way you raised your hand," try saying, "Miley you raised your hand like this (demonstrate) so I knew you needed help."  Instead of saying, "Good job Emma!" try "Emma, you worked hard on question 2 until you figured it out. That took persistence!"  Instead of "Tom, you are a good helper," try "Tom you got paper towels and cleaned the water off the floor so everyone would be safe from slipping."  Instead of "Thank you for pushing in your chair," try "Frank, you pushed in your chair so our dining room is safe."  And a final example, instead of "Good job with the napkin," try "You folded the napkin and set it next to your plate.  Now you're ready for snack!" It takes a little more effort, but if you consistently notice, it will create self awareness, which is an important executive skill.

       I wish you well as you try aiming your adult flashlight on the positive by using noticing language with your child! 

I wish you well,


CCP Reminders, Handwriting Readiness & A NEW Question! (10/12/23 post)

Hello CCP Family!

        October is full of preschool fun! The month is going by so quickly. Thanks for taking time to talk with your child’s teacher at conferences or read her communications. A home-preschool partnership is the best way to support your child’s education. All the children did fine with a teacher and a substitute in each classroom.

CHAPEL - We are so fortunate to have Pastor Brandon lead our Chapel visits! Brandon has structured this year’s Chapel lessons around the Apostle’s Creed. They will talk about Creation, Our Father, Jesus, and the Church. Brandon always starts by lighting a candle, having a prayer, and singing. His lessons are always fun, interactive, and age-appropriate, while he teaches Biblical literacy through the sharing of Bible stories. At the end of Chapel time, they sing “This Little Light of Mine” and Pastor Brandon encourages them to put God’s love and light in their hearts and take it with them to share with others. (The Frogs will join Chapel in December or January, when the Frog teachers determine the class is ready.)

COATS & CLOTHES - As the weather changes, remember to update your child’s change of clothes for the fall/winter. Also, we DO go outside everyday, so as jacket-weather approaches, please put your child’s name in the jacket and hat. Thank you!

HALLOWEEN - Just for fun, our Duck and Whale classes will parade in costume on the Market St sidewalks on Oct. 31. Parents are invited to walk with us if you’re able. Teachers will give you details.

Our Ladybugs and Frogs will parade in costume indoors around Ascension Hall on Oct. 30 and Oct 31. Parents are invited to stay a few minutes after drop-off to watch if you’re able. Teachers will give you details.

PRESCHOOL CLOSED FRIDAY & MONDAY, 10/13 & 10/16 - Enjoy your fall break! Teachers will be attending a professional development event with teachers from other Chapel Hill preschools.

PHOTOS - Just a reminder that we will take individual photos of each child during the school day on Oct. 18 (Whales, MW Frogs, MWF Ladybugs) and Oct. 19 (Ducks, TTH Frogs, TTH Ladybugs) You are also invited to have a family photo taken on Saturday, Oct. 21. Click here to sign up.

READY FOR HANDWRITING? -  Since readiness for learning handwriting occurs at different ages for different children, educators and parents need to be aware of prerequisite competencies for handwriting readiness.  Dr Marianne Gibbs recommends children possess the following prerequisites in order to be set up for success in handwriting skill acquisition: 

  • Established hand dominance when coloring, drawing, or using a fork (may not emerge until 4.5 - 6 years old)

  • Ability to cross the midline

  • Ability to use two hands in an activity

  • Ability to coordinate eyes and hands together

  • Functional pencil grasp

  • Recognition of similarities and difference in forms

  • Ability to understand directional terms

  • Orientation to print

  • Recognition of letter forms and sounds

  • Ability to copy basic shapes: vertical line, horizontal line, circle, plus sign, slanted lines (forward and backward), square with defined sides, X, triangle with defined corners

  • Ability to maintain proper sitting posture

  • Interest in handwriting

  • Ability to attend to a task for a minimum of one minute (for purposes of receiving formal instruction in handwriting)

As you can see, there are a lot of prerequisites to teaching handwriting! At CCP, we spend a lot of time developing the muscles needed for handwriting by using tongs, playdoh, pegs, clothespins, and other fine motor activities.  We play games to encourage children to cross the midline of their bodies, develop eye-hand coordination, and learn directional words and concepts.  And you thought we were just playing! ;-) When children are ready in the Duck and Whale classes, we teach them a functional pencil grasp using the "busy fingers and the sleeping fingers."  All these skills come before children are ready for actual handwriting instruction.  So while the children think they are "just playing," we are actually preparing them for later handwriting, reading, and general school success!  Respect your child in his or her developmental journey toward handwriting readiness.  Don't rush!  Every child learns and develops at his/her own pace.

          A NEW IMPORTANT QUESTION - Finally, I want to suggest that we ASK A NEW QUESTION!  Dr. Becky Bailey tells us that when we ask the questions, "How can I get this child to _____?" or "How can I make this child ______?" then our brains begin to come up with every feared, forced, coercive, or manipulative strategy we have ever learned.  If we ask a new question, we will get new answers.  By asking ourselves, "How can I help this child more successfully _______?" then we ask our brains to come up with a different set of answers.  These new answers will be more creative, will ask us to reflect on the child's needs, and will result in developmentally-appropriate discipline strategies. (p. 200, Conscious Discipline) Give this new question a try!

Have a good weekend and I wish you well,



Welcome Fall! - Oct 5, 2023 post

Dear CCP Families,

We continue to work with our students to form a caring, connected school family. We take deep breaths when we are upset. If a friend gets hurt or becomes upset, we are learning that it really helps for us to breathe slowly and deeply for our friend! When a friend is upset, sometimes he can’t breathe deeply. We breathe for him and wish well, sending our love and positivity to our friend while giving him space. This gesture shows care AND it gives all of us a purpose instead of just worrying about our friend.

On Monday & Tuesday, Oct. 9 & 10, the Ladybug, Whale, and Duck teachers will hold conferences. (Frogs will get written communication now and have conferences later in the year.) On conference days, your children will be cared for in the classroom by the assistant teacher and a substitute. At your conference time, you will find Ms Sue in the Disciple room off of Ascension Hall. Your key fobs may not work during the day, so just ring the bell to the far right of the front or back door. You will find Ms Shelly and Ms Missy in building 105. (the building to the left when facing the front of the church) Use the street side entrance, then turn left and read the signs.

Remember that our photographer, David Gellatly, will be here on Saturday, Oct. 21 to take family photos. There is no sitting fee and these family portraits would make great Christmas gifts. The photos will be outside in the church yard. Click HERE to sign up for a convenient time slot.

We are very fortunate to have Ms Vicki as our Music & Movement teacher this year! Her music program complements our curricumlum so well. This fall the children are working on music in the following areas: Getting to Know You & Friendship, God Made Me and Loves Me, and My Emotions. In music class, Ms Vicki also uses Conscious Discipline techniques, like deep breathing and naming & describing feelings. She uses Movement songs to help the children develop and enhance their vestibular systems and balance. The children just think they are having a blast, but look at all the intentional planning that’s behind that fun!

Several of you had asked about attending church. You may come anytime! (Sunday services at 9:00 & 11:00) If you want to learn more about the church, there is a new class where you can ask all your questions! Join us for Christ Church 101: a four week orientation experience, beginning on Sunday, Oct 15th at 10 a.m. This four week formational experience will seek to answer all of the questions and more! To register for the experience, click HERE!

It’s the time of year to get your flu shot. I just got mine at the CVS Minute Clinic. I like to get it in early October, so it will last throughout the season. Let’s help protect ourselves and our school family!

Remember those extra clothes we keep at school? As the weather gets cooler, please change your child’s extra set of clothes to something appropriate to fall/winter. Also, please label coats/hats/gloves with a name. That really helps! (When it’s really cold, Frog class prefers mittens over gloves! Can you imagine putting 100 little 2-yr-old fingers into gloves?? Yikes!) Thanks!

On Oct. 13 and 16 CCP will be closed for Fall Break. It’s a long weekend for you! Friday, October 13 the teachers will participate in a Professional Development event with all the local half-day preschool programs in Chapel Hill. Thanks for your support as we take time to learn and grow together.

If a child signals sadness, anger or embarrassment, an attuned adult can pick up on this communication and coach the child through her discomfort to an integrated state. The child will learn emotions are a bridge between problem and solution, reducing the likelihood of a reactive or impulsive response.” (Managing Emotional Mayhem p.41) You may want to try, “You seem sad. Would you like to tell me about it?”

We wish you well!


Here Comes October! (9/28/23 post) Two positive choices and 2 links!

Hello CCP Family,

      We are settling into our preschool routines!  The children are becoming comfortable and confident with their friends and teachers.  Everyone appears to know they are safe and loved here at CCP.  We are surely on the way to becoming a school family, a process that can take about 4 to 6 weeks.

Thanks for joining me for coffee & cider yesterday and today. It felt like fall and it was a perfect cider morning. It’s fun to see you all visiting and getting to know each other.

Please remember to link your Harris Teeter VIC card to our school number 3558. You can do this on the website or at the store. It only takes a brief minute and it supports the preschool without affecting your wallet!

At Weaver St Market, you simply purchase a gift card and link it to our school number 111, then use that card to make your purchases. You can reload the same gift card and continue to use it. You are buying groceries and coffees anyway - now a portion of your purchases will support CCP!

We welcome parents to substitute when a teacher is absent. You can earn a small check or you can “donate” your time to CCP. This helps us in the classroom and on our budget for the year! Just contact Debbie to be added to the sub list. We will not leave you alone in a class - You will always work with another teacher.

Please remember your October tuition is due on Oct. 1. Please send or bring your payment on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

We practiced a fire drill on Monday & Tuesday. The children were able to clear the building in 1 minute, 35 seconds. That’s good for a first try! We will practice again and try to get our time down to 1 minute. Everyone handled it very well.

Safekeepers (teachers) - We have a staff meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 3 at 12:30. We will review Session 1 of Handling Upset, by Dr. Bailey and Jill Molli.

Remember the website for Spirit Wear closes tomorrow!! Hurry to get your tee-shirts! When the shirts come in, we will have Spirit Days when we can wear our new tee shirts to celebrate our school. Click HERE to order.

Fall photos are scheduled with photographer David Gellatly outside under the bell tower. Please mark your calendar now. Here’s the schedule:

  • Wed, Oct. 18 - Whales, MWF Ladybugs, MW Frogs

  • Thurs, Oct. 19 - Ducks, TH Ladybugs, TH Frogs

  • Sat, Oct. 21 - Optional Family Photos. Click HERE to sign up for the family photos

A Conscious Discipline moment - TWO POSITIVE CHOICES - “Giving two positive choice allows your child to comply with your wishes while also giving him the “last word.” (Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline, p. 101) Think what you want your child TO DO and then give 2 choices that can get that result. For example, you want your child to eat a green vegetable at dinner. You could say, “You may choose broccoli or green beans. Which sounds better to you?” Your child gets a vegetable AND feels empowered at the same time!

I hope you have a fabulous, safe weekend and I wish you well,








Building preschool relationships - Sept 21 post

 Hello CCP Families,

"Discipline is like the 'slow-slow, quick-quick' of a country western two-step.  The 'slow-slow' is building the relationship.  It does not happen overnight but slowly over time.  The 'quick-quick' is the specific skill set we need to handle the upset and conflicts that arise within the relationship."  ~from Dr. Becky Bailey’s Baby Doll Circle Time, p. 32

We have been in preschool about 3 weeks now building our relationships (the slow-slow part of the two-step.) Each class is continuing to become a school family that truly cares for one another. (For more info on school families, you can see my orientation slides or go to ) It is a joy to observe your children at play with their preschool friends! And when a friend is absent, the children so earnestly “put the friend in the heart” and send them love and well wishes. It’s a beautiful, caring gesture of connection. We are thankful that you have chosen CCP to be your preschool home. So glad you’re part of the family!


Please remember if you want to order spirit wear, click here. There is only one more week….The website closes on Sept. 30. You may also make a tax-deductible donation on the website using your credit/debit card. This donation IS our fundraiser for this year. We generally recommend $75 per family if you are able. Many families say they prefer this to selling or collecting. If you prefer, you may also write a check for the annual donation and drop it in the tuition box. Thank you kindly for your generosity. Also in November, after everyone’s shirts have arrived, we will have a Spirit Day at preschool!

You are invited to a Preschool Coffee on Wed or Thurs, Sept 27 & 28 right after drop-off. Just come to Ascension Hall and have a cup of coffee or cider and chat with other families and me. You can ask questions and get to know some new friends!

Looking ahead…. We will have individual photos taken on October 18 & 19. The photos will be outdoors under the bell tower. We handle it all at school - you don’t have to be present. You will be sent a link to view the photos and to purchase them (optional.) The photographer, David Gellately, will also offer family photos on Saturday, Oct. 21. A Saturday family photo sign-up went out earlier this week. You can access it here, also.

Pastor Brandon led Chapel this week (Wed & Thurs) for the Ladybugs, Duck and Whales. (Frogs will join Chapel in Januray.) Pastor Brandon talked about creation and that God made us. We are all different and we are all wonderful! We prayed and sang and had fun.

Ms. Vicki led us in our first Music and Movement classes this week (also Wed & Thurs.) She began with a song about love and then one about dancing feet! The children danced and sang and played musical instruments. There were lots of smiles!

Duck and Whale friends will enjoy their first lunch bunch next week on Monday and Wednesday, 9/25 & 9/27. We will use all the same guidelines for lunch that we do for snack. (Please remember we are a NUT-FREE school.) We will either eat outside, in the classroom, or in the fellowship hall. Ms Shelly and Ms Missy will send you details. Lunch day pick-up is 12:50 for Ducks and 1:00 for Whales. Be aware that your child may be super tired on the longer lunch days!

Now that we have been together a few weeks, we have seen an expected increase in runny noses and colds. Several of you have chosen to protect the class by keeping children home. Teachers and other parents appreciate your efforts! Thank you. And remember, your child’s school family is sending your child love and well wishes!

We will practice a fire drill next week. It’s a very lowkey event and usually the children handle it very well. Here’s a story from last year that will illustrate……After our fire drill, one little 4 year old said, “You know that fire thing wasn’t so bad. I was just a little scared.” His friend looked at him and said, “But now you know how to stay safe if there was a real fire!” :-) I couldn’t have said it better myself! You know you’ve done your job when the children can teach each other! Don’t worry parents, your kids have got this!

All my post won’t be this long! It’s just the start of the year and there’s so much info to share with you. If you read this far, thank you!

I wish you well,


CCP - Spirit wear and news 9/14/23

Hello CCP Families,

I am so proud of the children and how they have adapted to preschool! A few have tears at drop off, but usually they disappear quickly. Be sure to read the pink handout from Orientation night called Successful Separations. (If you need one, let me know.) This will give you some ideas to help with separating at drop-off. Remember, the first 4-6 weeks of preschool is our time to build a safe learning community that we call our “school family.”

Please remember to order your spiritwear before the end of Sept ! Currently, we haven’t quite reached our sales goal. The website is open until Sept. 30. Please help us reach our goal! As soon as the shirts are delivered, we will have some Spirit Days where everyone can wear their new school shirts! You may also make a tax-deductible donation on the website using your credit/debit card. This donation IS our fundraiser for this year. Many families say they prefer this to selling or collecting. Thank you kindly for your generosity.

I know a few of you are awaiting a second key fob. The person who orders those is on vacation, but hopefully the key fobs will be available next week.

Please mark your calendar for our Fall Getting to Know You Parent Coffee! I’ll have some coffee, tea, and treats for you on Wed & Thurs, Sept 27 & 28 right after drop-off. Just pop by Ascension Hall and let’s visit!

Near the start of preschool, I sent a list of developmental milestones for your age group by email. This list will help you know what the teachers are working on in the classroom through intentionally-planned play experiences.

Near the end of the month we will practice our first fire drill. It will be very low key and non-threatening. First the teachers will read a little book that we wrote about fire drills at CCP. Then, I ring a little bell in the hallway for our first practice. Typically, it’s not a big deal. We clap and praise the children’s efforts at knowing how to be safe.

Next week the Ladybugs, Whales, and Ducks will have their first Chapel times with Pastor Brandon. He does a great job of keeping this experience short, positive, and age-appropriate. Pastor Brandon tells Bible stories, sings songs with his guitar, and has a prayer with us.

Next week we will also have our first music & movement classes with Ms. Vicki. All ages can participate in music from the very beginning. Ms. Vicki will invite children to sing, dance, and play musical instruments.

The Preschool Advisory Committee “PAC” will meet on Sept. 18 at 7:30pm in Ascension Hall.

Finally, I’ll share a Conscious Discipline moment - “Empathy asks us to be willing to give up our thoughts and feelings temporarily in order to more accurately understand those of others. It asks us to quiet our own minds so we can listen from our hearts instead of our heads.” ~ Dr. Becky Baily in Creating the School Family p. 305

I wish you well,


CCP - And we're off! Sept. 7 post

Hi CCP Family,

      We did it!  All classes have now experienced their first days of preschool for 2023-24!  There were a few tears, but I anticipate these won’t last long.  Adults, you handled the "good-byes" very well - positive, short, and sweet!  Thank you for the trust you place in us! You have precious children and we feel very fortunate to have you as part of our school family.  Each day will get easier!

Thank you for our warm “chalk welcome!” The teachers and students have enjoyed the great drawings and messages of encouragement.

The teachers know their students already, which is wonderful! Please give me a little grace to learn everyone’s names! I have 6 classes of students to learn and it may take me a while. Thanks!

      We are missing a few forms.  (We are required to collect new forms each year.) We will be in touch if you’re missing one of the following: health form, emergency contact form, or a photo permission form.  Also, please make sure you have a weather-appropriate change of clothes at preschool.  And thanks for bringing a water bottle and snack each day! Just be sure your child’s name is on everything you send to preschool

Ducks & MWF Ladybugs, I will be out of the office tomorrow, Friday, 9/8. Fortunately, Ms Melissa will be in the office taking care of preschool. (It’s rare for me to be away, but we have an important family event that I need to attend.) Thanks for understanding.

The key fobs seem to be working very well. Remember if you ever forget yours, just ring the bell and one of us will let you in. Here’s the fob schedule:

Arrival between 8:45-9:15 (Ducks & Ladybugs at 8:50, Whales & Frogs at 9:00)

Dismissal between 11:45-12:15 (Ducks & Ladybugs at 11:50, Whales & Frogs at 12:00)

Lunch days dismissal 12:45-1:15

       If you have a grandparent or nanny that you would like to receive preschool communications, please provide the password & direct them to the website ( the parent portal, and then the class pages - they can subscribe to the email notifications at the bottom right of each blog page.  This will ensure that they receive the emailed blogs.  Please note that they need to do this for EACH email notification they want to receive. So if they want to receive notifications from the director and a teacher, they would need to sign up on Debbie's blog page AND the class blog page.

Safekeepers (teachers), we have a staff meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 12 at 12:30.

      I leave you with this quote from Amy Speidel (Loving Guidance Associate), "Our job is to be the mirror for children, reflecting their worth; what we reflect becomes what they believe about themselves."

Happy Grandparents' Day this Sunday!



Welcome to Christ Church Preschool - Aug. 31 post

Hello CCP Families,

Welcome to Christ Church Preschool! We are so glad you have chosen to join our little family. I am Debbie Arena, the preschool director. I will send you information about preschool events and reminders in my blog post. Every Thursday at 7:00pm you will receive an email notice that I’ve posted new info for you. Please take a few minutes to read it and mark your calendars.

From your teacher’s or my email, you can click into the website using the password you received at parent orientation. Be sure to take this extra step because you will be able to see photos of classroom activities.

Thanks for attending our Parent Orientation meeting. I’m happy you could meet the teachers (safekeepers) and see the classrooms. We look forward to getting to know your children on the visitation days, Tuesday & Wednesday, Sept. 5 & 6. (Your scheduled time to attend was in your mailed summer packet.)

In my blog, I will also share tidbits from Dr. Becky Bailey’s Conscious Discipline. We use Conscious Discipline strategies and techniques to help our students learn self-regulation. I shared some of this at Orientation and will continue to share more each week.

We look forward to forming an educational partnership with you. Please contact me if you have any questions.

I wish you well,
