
The Blue Whales brought their best smiles and did a great job with school photos. 


The puppet theater turned our classroom into the place to be to watch a puppet show.  The Blue Whales had chairs set up for friends to watch the performance.  They also had a concession stand with popcorn and candy.  No real food was used for this, the children decided how to make popcorn with the supplies available to them and the candy boxes were all empty and sealed.  And of course, we could not forget tickets for our audience members. 


Our future is bright with all the talented builders and engineers we have in the Blue Whales.  There were clever marble mazes being built both small and large.  We had well-crafted suspension bridges that could hold up to 10 small pumpkins.  And a tape maze that we had to crawl under and step over.  The bridges stemmed from the books, Three Billy Goats Gruff and Little Blue Bridge.  Little Blue Bridge is an alternate version of Three Billy Goats Gruff where the hero of the story chooses to build her own bridge.  These books also lent themselves to a lively discussion of what was the same and what was different in each story. 


We read the book Pumpkin Jack and talked about the life cycle of a pumpkin and the parts of a pumpkin.  We are going to watch our small jack o’lantern decompose and hope to observe the life cycle of a pumpkin.  We decided to name our jack o’lantern Pumpkin Jack too. 


We had Guess-n-Tell and Kellan did a great job with three clues about his item and calling on friends to guess the item.  The Blue Whales were able to guess Kellan’s item because of his great clues.


Kellan’s family read a funny book to the class to celebrate his birthday.  Kellan treated his friends to delicious donuts.  The Blue Whales enjoyed our birthday celebration. 


Important Dates and Information for October:


·      Wednesday, October 25th – Fire Truck visit (always dependent on any emergencies that may come up)

·      Tuesday, October 31st - We hope you can join us for our Halloween Costume Parade around Southern Village.  Please send your child to school in their costume and drop them off at the classroom at 9:00 a.m.  The Blue Whales will meet parents and special grown-ups outside in front of the church at 9:30 a.m. and start our parade with the Yellow Ducks class.  Families are welcome to dress up too.  Please help your child change out of their costume after the parade.  If you are OK with them wearing their costume all day that is fine too, but we will be our normal messy selves and play outside that day 


If you are out and about this weekend enjoying the beautiful weather, we would love to start collecting acorns, leaves and maple tree seeds (or as I like to call them helicopters) for some projects in the classroom.


The next few weeks will be all about pumpkins, bats, spiders, ghosts and Halloween.


We are enjoying creating, moving, singing, discussing, observing, reading and playing with our Blue Whale friends.   Hope everyone has a nice weekend.