
Primary colors, secondary colors and achromatic colors we talked about them all this week.  The Blue Whales had many opportunities throughout the classroom to further their color exploration through playdough, paint, watercolors, and adding color to oobleck.  We introduced paint card samples and talked about hues and shades of color. 

In the classroom the Blue Whales experimented with oobleck consisting of cornstarch and water.  Our little scientists decided how much cornstarch and water they needed to get it to the consistency that suited their play.  Lots of learning and discovering going on through the smiles.  It was messy but lots of fun!  And our Blue Whales helped clean up the big mess.


The Blue Whales are working hard identifying their names and their friends’ names.  These letters have meaning to the children.  We learn, explore and make connections with letters during our morning song using a simple tune and name cards.  The children are having fun singing and excited to shout out their friend’s name without realizing all the learning that is happening. 


What beautiful families you all have!  The Blue Whales were so proud to share about their families with the class.  They did such a great job as a presenter and an audience member. 


We read a story about Hank the pill bug (aka rollie pollie).  During the story we tried to figure out what information was based on facts about pill bugs and what was from imagination.  After the story we talked about some fascinating facts about pill bugs and we could verify what was true in the story we read.  A favorite activity when we go outside is to search for rollie pollies.


We had Guess-n-Tell and Olivia did a great job with three clues about her item and calling on friends to guess the item.  The Blue Whales were able to guess Olivia’s item because of her great clues.


Outside on the playground the children were engaged in some amazing building. The imagination, cooperation and conversations that led to these successful group activities was so heartwarming and inspiring to see.  We are so proud of our creative and kind friends.  


I’m looking forward to meeting for Fall Conferences and having a conversation about your wonderful children.  The conferences will meet across the street at 105 Market Street.  Please use the street side door and follow the signs for the Blue Whales.  Ms. Raquel will be joining Ms. Beth in the classroom on Monday and Tuesday while I meet with parents.  The children were able to meet Ms. Raquel this week.


Important Dates and Information for October:

·      Thursday, October 12th – Celebrate Henry’s Birthday

·      Friday, October 13th and Monday, October 16th - Preschool is closed for Fall Break and Teacher Professional Development

·      Tuesday, October 17th – Celebrate Kellan’s Birthday

·      Wednesday, October 18th – Individual Photos by David Gellatly (we will not have messy activities that day)

·      Wednesday, October 25th – Fire Truck visit (always dependent on any emergencies that may come up)

·      Tuesday, October 31st - We hope you can join us for our Halloween Costume Parade around Southern Village.  Please send your child to school in their costume and drop them off at the classroom at 9:00 a.m.  The Blue Whales will meet parents and special grown-ups outside in front of the church at 9:30 a.m. and start our parade with the Yellow Ducks class.  Families are welcome to dress up too.  Please help your child change out of their costume after the parade.  If you are OK with them wearing their costume all day that is fine too, but we will be our normal messy selves and play outside that day 

·      If each child could bring in a small pumpkin by Monday, October 23rd, we will be using them for an art project.

·      We need 4 LARGE pumpkins for the classroom, if anyone would like to donate a pumpkin it would be appreciated.


We are enjoying creating, moving, singing, discussing, observing, reading and playing with our Blue Whale friends.   Hope everyone has a nice weekend.