Patterns and a Coffee Shop

We worked on patterns (AB, ABC) with blocks and candy cane ornaments.  And, of course, our smart Blue Whales took it a step further and pointed out the patterns in the book Press Here that we read and made patterns with their hair color, shoe color and boy/girl patterns. 


We continued to talk about letters and sounds.  We explored the letters and sounds in our names with silly songs, questions, fall leaves and letter beads


We had Guess-n-Tell and Eliza did a great job with three clues about her item and calling on friends to guess the item.  The Blue Whales were able to guess Eliza’s item because of her great clues. 


To make sure Guess-n-Tell is an exciting day, there will be no other show and tell on Wednesdays.  Your child is welcome to bring one item to show and practice their public speaking skills on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. 


If your child would like to bring in a photo of their Christmas Tree from home, we will share them with the class over the next two weeks.


During this busy holiday season, we are finding ways to learn and relax at the same time.  Our Housekeeping center and Loft have turned in to a Coffee Shop equipped with menus, coffee, treats, creamers and real cups and saucers along with To Go Cups.  The children are having a great time working at the Coffee Shop and being a customer socializing with friends while listening to Christmas music.  The Blue Whales are reinforcing and working on literacy, math, language development, communication, conflict resolution and problem-solving skills at the Coffee Shop.  We heard from a few of our Blue Whale friends that we made $400 the other day.


To extend our Coffee Shop play, Ms. Beth & I will be taking our Blue Whales on a walk to La Vita Dolce Coffee Shop in Southern Village and the children will be ordering a kid’s hot chocolate.  We want to surprise the children with this fun activity, so please do not mention it to them.  We plan on walking on Monday, December 4th (weather permitting) to experience a real coffee shop together.   


The next few weeks will be busy at preschool, below are some important dates:


Monday, December 4th: Southern Village Walk to La Vita Dolce Coffee Shop (shh it’s a surprise for the children).  If weather prohibits us from walking on Monday then we will walk on Tuesday, December 5th. 


Wednesday, December 6th:  Gingerbread House and Gingerbread Cookie Decorating:  Please make sure you bring in any items you signed up for by Wednesday morning.  Volunteers you can meet in Ascension Hall at 12:15 pm to set up. Thank you so much for all your support, this will be a fun treat for the Blue Whales. 


Thursday, December 14th at 9:30 am:  Preschool Christmas Concert - Please reserve Thursday, Dec. 14 at 9:30 for our annual CCP Christmas Concert in the Sanctuary. Each class will sing a song or two and we will tell the Christmas story. Take your child to their classroom at 9:00 and find a seat in the sanctuary. We will begin our program at 9:30 and then everyone will go home with their families after the program. Please keep in mind that you may need to park in the municipal lots around Southern Village since the whole school will be assembled. 


We are enjoying creating, moving, singing, discussing, observing, reading and playing with our Blue Whale friends.   Hope everyone has a nice weekend.