Happy New Year

It was so nice to be back in the classroom with our Blue Whale friends.  Everyone was so happy to see each other and reconnect.  We hope you all had a nice holiday break.


We read a fun book called I Say Ooh You Say Aah.  The Blue Whales didn’t realize they were working on following multistep directions and doing an amazing job.  Instead, we were just laughing and enjoying this interactive book together.    


After we cracked ourselves up and got pretty loud, we recentered ourselves and did some deep breathing and Yoga poses based on sea animals.


Being back at school in the New Year brings a change in the year, month and season.  We talked about each of these things and sang and danced to a song about the four seasons.  Juliette helped me teach the class the new morning greetings we added to our choices. 


There was an abundance of sharing with the class this week with either items or news about their holidays.  Our Blue Whale friends also asked us to put relatives traveling back home in our Wish Well heart.  So, lots of love was being sent to family members. 


As we move into winter many of the classrooms have put up snowflake decorations.  The Blue Whales were intrigued by the snowflakes, and it started a discussion and an art project.  We talked about how no two snowflakes are alike.  The artist Henri Matisse was introduced and his idea of drawing with scissors.  The Blue Whales drew with scissors as they cut out their one-of-a-kind snowflakes that we will use to decorate the classroom after all the glitter glue dries. 


Over the next few weeks, we will be talking about bears, hibernation, migration and winter. 


We are enjoying creating, moving, singing, discussing, observing, reading and playing with our Blue Whale friends.   Hope everyone has a nice weekend.