What a Week!!

I hope everyone received their Valentine from their Blue Whale in the mail.


I had a great time seeing my Blue Whale friends and dancing with them at the Valentine’s Dance last Friday.  Thank you to all who volunteered to make that such a fun evening. 


We have a mail bag for each child in the classroom and a table set up where the Blue Whales can make a card and deliver to their mail bag.  These went home with the Blue Whales on Thursday. 


We had a fun week that started with decorating the classroom for Valentine’s Day. The room looks so festive, and the children had so much fun adding their personal touches to our decorations. Everyone took off their shoes and showed off their Silly Socks.


On Tuesday we had a very successful Pancake & Pajama Day. The Blue Whales loved the pancakes, syrup, juice and fruit and spending the day in their pajamas.  Thank you to our families who volunteered, it is appreciated. 


We also had special guests, Ivy Rose’s Mom & Dad, to teach us about the heart and whether the heart in our body looks like the heart we have been drawing and decorating with during this month.  Dr. Danny had an ultrasound machine hooked to his phone and we all got to see Katherine’s actual heart in real time on the cellphone.  It turns out the hearts we saw around the room did not look like the heart in our bodies.  It was an informative and exciting presentation.  Thank you to Danny and Katherine for taking the time to join our class and extend our learning. 


On Wednesday we began our day by delivering Valentines to each friend and showed off our wacky hair and outfits.  The overflowing Valentine’s Day bags were sent home with the Blue Whales.  A big thank you to all our families, Ms. Beth and I felt the love with our valentines, treats and flowers. At center time we had our child planned and child led Valentine’s Party.  The Blue Whales were too adorable setting up their stations and playing with their friends.  It was a great time.  Thank you so much to all the parents who helped gather materials for their children to bring in, purchased snacks, and helped explain and facilitate their child’s favorite game. 


Ms. Beth and I really appreciate the support all our families give to us and your children to have ownership of their classroom and learning and all our crazy ideas. 


And just when we thought our week could not get any better, on Thursday we celebrated Juliette’s birthday with her mom, her favorite book and delicious cupcakes. 


We had Guess-n-Tell and Liam did a great job with three clues about his item and calling on friends to guess his item.  The Blue Whales were able to guess Liam’s item because of his great clues. 


We sang some fun songs about love in the classroom. We read some books and discussed showing love and kindness to everyone we interact with at home, school and in our neighborhood.


Just a reminder that preschool is closed for mid-winter break on Monday, February 19th and Tuesday, February 20th.  We will see our Blue Whale friends again on Wednesday, February 21st.   


We are enjoying creating, moving, singing, discussing, observing, reading and playing with our Blue Whale friends.   Hope everyone has a nice long weekend.