Leprechauns, Spring & Eggs

The Blue Whales had a great week welcoming Spring!  We talked about seasons and added another page to our journals about our favorite season. 


Unfortunately, even with multiple traps and gold we were not able to catch a leprechaun.  We think the leprechaun was a little upset with us trying to catch him, so he left our room a mess. The Blue Whales had so much fun going through the room and seeing all of things he did and then helped clean up the room.  The leprechaun rewarded the Blue Whales for their effort and each child went home with a pot of gold coins. 


We talked about Humpty Dumpty and what happened to him when he fell off the wall.  And read the alternate Humpty Dumpty story “After the Fall”.  Then the Blue Whales got to work to make egg drops to try to protect their egg’s fall from the loft in the classroom.  We had 5 eggs that did not break and 8 that broke.  But everyone had fun creating, experimenting and predicting.  They did an amazing job.


We had a new kind of Guess-n-Tell this week.  Each child brought back a plastic egg filled with one item and three clues to help the Blue Whales guess the item.  Everyone did such a great job picking items and giving thoughtful clues. 


Important Upcoming Dates:


Thursday, March 28th:  Easter Egg Hunt (Please bring in 6 filled eggs by Wednesday, March 27th – please fill the eggs with non-candy items)

Friday, March 29th – Friday, April 5th:  Spring Break, Preschool Closed

Tuesday, April 9th:  100th Day of School Celebration (more details will be coming soon)

Wednesday, April 17th:  Individual and Class Photos (We will not put out messy materials that day, in case anyone plans to wear anything special.)

Sunday, April 21st: Preschool Sunday, where we celebrate the Christ Church Preschool ministry. Our preschool children will sing at the 9:00 service. Everyone is invited! 

Tuesday, April 30th:  Field Trip to Morehead Planetarium.  We will be taking the city bus and each child is allowed one chaperone.  This is such a fun event to extend our learning about space.  More details will follow as we get closer to the date. 


For the next few weeks, we will talk about eggs, Easter, flowers, seeds and planting.


We are enjoying creating, moving, singing, discussing, observing, reading and playing with our Blue Whale friends.   Hope everyone has a nice weekend.