Building preschool relationships - Sept 21 post

 Hello CCP Families,

"Discipline is like the 'slow-slow, quick-quick' of a country western two-step.  The 'slow-slow' is building the relationship.  It does not happen overnight but slowly over time.  The 'quick-quick' is the specific skill set we need to handle the upset and conflicts that arise within the relationship."  ~from Dr. Becky Bailey’s Baby Doll Circle Time, p. 32

We have been in preschool about 3 weeks now building our relationships (the slow-slow part of the two-step.) Each class is continuing to become a school family that truly cares for one another. (For more info on school families, you can see my orientation slides or go to ) It is a joy to observe your children at play with their preschool friends! And when a friend is absent, the children so earnestly “put the friend in the heart” and send them love and well wishes. It’s a beautiful, caring gesture of connection. We are thankful that you have chosen CCP to be your preschool home. So glad you’re part of the family!


Please remember if you want to order spirit wear, click here. There is only one more week….The website closes on Sept. 30. You may also make a tax-deductible donation on the website using your credit/debit card. This donation IS our fundraiser for this year. We generally recommend $75 per family if you are able. Many families say they prefer this to selling or collecting. If you prefer, you may also write a check for the annual donation and drop it in the tuition box. Thank you kindly for your generosity. Also in November, after everyone’s shirts have arrived, we will have a Spirit Day at preschool!

You are invited to a Preschool Coffee on Wed or Thurs, Sept 27 & 28 right after drop-off. Just come to Ascension Hall and have a cup of coffee or cider and chat with other families and me. You can ask questions and get to know some new friends!

Looking ahead…. We will have individual photos taken on October 18 & 19. The photos will be outdoors under the bell tower. We handle it all at school - you don’t have to be present. You will be sent a link to view the photos and to purchase them (optional.) The photographer, David Gellately, will also offer family photos on Saturday, Oct. 21. A Saturday family photo sign-up went out earlier this week. You can access it here, also.

Pastor Brandon led Chapel this week (Wed & Thurs) for the Ladybugs, Duck and Whales. (Frogs will join Chapel in Januray.) Pastor Brandon talked about creation and that God made us. We are all different and we are all wonderful! We prayed and sang and had fun.

Ms. Vicki led us in our first Music and Movement classes this week (also Wed & Thurs.) She began with a song about love and then one about dancing feet! The children danced and sang and played musical instruments. There were lots of smiles!

Duck and Whale friends will enjoy their first lunch bunch next week on Monday and Wednesday, 9/25 & 9/27. We will use all the same guidelines for lunch that we do for snack. (Please remember we are a NUT-FREE school.) We will either eat outside, in the classroom, or in the fellowship hall. Ms Shelly and Ms Missy will send you details. Lunch day pick-up is 12:50 for Ducks and 1:00 for Whales. Be aware that your child may be super tired on the longer lunch days!

Now that we have been together a few weeks, we have seen an expected increase in runny noses and colds. Several of you have chosen to protect the class by keeping children home. Teachers and other parents appreciate your efforts! Thank you. And remember, your child’s school family is sending your child love and well wishes!

We will practice a fire drill next week. It’s a very lowkey event and usually the children handle it very well. Here’s a story from last year that will illustrate……After our fire drill, one little 4 year old said, “You know that fire thing wasn’t so bad. I was just a little scared.” His friend looked at him and said, “But now you know how to stay safe if there was a real fire!” :-) I couldn’t have said it better myself! You know you’ve done your job when the children can teach each other! Don’t worry parents, your kids have got this!

All my post won’t be this long! It’s just the start of the year and there’s so much info to share with you. If you read this far, thank you!

I wish you well,
