Dr. Love

This week was full of love and doctors….hmmm all of our blogs have led me to song titles recently! Lol. Anyway, we were very happy enjoying our pancake breakfast together all cozy in our pajamas. We were so excited to sit at the big tables that the Whales & Ducks use for snacktime. We are so grateful to the wonderful parents who helped make this event so much fun for our class. Thank you!!

The Ladybugs were also SUPER excited to share and receive Valentine cards!!! They all waited patiently while each friend passed out their cards and could hardly contain themselves as their bags filled up. We noticed that they all made sure the bag came home with them at the end of the day!!! There were some very big smiles and big hugs between friends, too! Miss Jenn, Miss Kelsi & I really felt the love, too. Thank you for your cards and gifts. ❤️

We have continued our unit on community helpers. We drew pictures and wrote in our journals about what jobs we might want to do when we grow up. In our centers this week we have been playing doctor and dentist. The grocery store was converted into a doctor’s examination table. We used stethoscopes to listen to hearts and otoscopes to check the babies ears. Some friends were being veterinarians, too.

During our dental health discussion we learned it’s important to brush twice a day to keep sugar monsters from forming plaque on our teeth. We also took turns trying to floss the yucky (playdough) food out of (ice tray) teeth. It took quite a bit of dexterity to work the floss back & forth between the teeth. We also sorted out foods that are bad for our teeth (and need extra special brushing) and those that are healthy. It was very silly using toothbrushes to brush away marker spots from our “smiles”, too!!!

On Friday, Dr. Park (Jennifer’s husband) came to teach us about the different tools that doctors use. He showed us the mask that the anesthesiologist uses to give people sleepy medicine, a stethoscope, a reflex hammer and a tuning fork (an old fashioned way to test hearing). He also taught us how to feel our pulse! Thank you for coming to visit, Dr. Park!

School will be closed on Monday & Tuesday for Winter Break!

I will be sending an email shortly with the link to sign up for March conferences. School will be closed during conference days, March 6th & 7th. Please make arrangements to have childcare during the conference, so that we can all chat as adults and without disruptions. We promise it will be quick! Often parents have arranged to watch each other’s children (play on the playground!) while they have their conferences.

Enjoy President’s Day weekend with your little Ladybug,

Miss Sue, Miss Jenn & Miss Kelsi