Construction Zone

In this very short week we have been talking about builders and construction. We had a visit from Reese’s dad on Wednesday. He is a cabinet builder and brought some of his tools to show us, along with a cabinet door that he built. We enjoyed using his tape measure to measure some items in the classroom, as well as ourselves!! Thank you, John, for teaching us about your job!

Everyone had fun trying to build a tower or other building that would stay standing in the Quake game. As we turned the dial from 1 to 5, the building began to shake harder and harder. We were learning that our buildings need a stable base to help them stay up. But, of course, what preschooler doesn’t love making the building crash down!!! There were lots of giggles at this center.

And speaking of building…we noticed there was a huge brick wall on our bulletin board when we came in this week. What is the wall for? Humpty Dumpty! It took some skill to put Humpty together again. We had to maneuver the pieces correctly to get him back into an egg shape and then mend him with band-aids so he wouldn’t fall apart. Every preschoolers dream!!! They got to use LOTS of band-aids, however they found that they are very sticky. It took a lot of careful fine motor skills to peel and stick them onto Humpty! Then we read After the Fall by Dan Santat. Humpty Dumpty was scared of heights after his fall, but in the end he was brave and climbed back up again. The surprise was that after he grew brave he cracked out of his shell & he was a bird….ready to spread his wings and fly!!! We hope our Ladybugs will remember his story as they grow and try new things. We know they can do anything they set their minds to and will spread their wings, too ❤️

Last, but not least, we celebrated Laoise’s birthday this week! Her mom read the perfect story about having Spring Fever. I think all of the Ladybugs had a bit of Spring Fever this week!! Everyone was FULL of energy!! Happy Birthday, Laoise!

Most of you have already chosen a conference time from our Sign Up Genius. Thank you so much for being so prompt about doing that! If you haven’t signed up or spoken with me about alternate plans, please take a moment to do that now. We really value this chance to connect with you about your child’s preschool experience this year. Thanks!!!

MWF Class sign-up:

T/Th Class sign-up:

We would appreciate donations of the following items- Clorox wipes, tissues and empty heart shaped Valentine candy boxes (if you have them leftover. They are to use with next year’s class). Thanks!

Have a wonderful weekend with your little Ladybugs!

Miss Sue, Miss Jenn, & Miss Kelsi